Survey conducted at households in Cache, Salt Lake, and Wasatch Counties addressing water policy questions.

These data are results of a household survey conducted by iUTAH summer of 2014. The survey randomly sampled households from 23 neighborhoods (census block groups) across 12 cities and 3 counties. Neighborhoods were selected to represent different configurations of social, built, and natural environmental characteristics using the "iUTAH Urban Typology" ( Data were collected using a drop-off/pick-up methodology, and produced an overall response rate of over 62% (~2,400 respondents). For ease of use on this viewer, the full survey was divided into three sections. This portion of the survey focuses on responses related to water policy along with variables used correlates or demographic variables to group responses. An anonymized version of the full household survey dataset is available ( To protect the identity of respondents, a few variables were removed and others were truncated. Summary reports are also available at including an overall report that provides comparisons of how these vary across the three counties where data were collected (Cache, Salt Lake, and Wasatch) as well as summary reports for each county and highlights reports for each city.