Survey of Utah municipal stormwater system managers

This is a survey of stormwater managers in Utah conducted by Andrea Armstrong (Sociology, USU) in partnership with the Utah Stormwater Advisory Committee (USWAC). The final report includes an overview of methods, descriptive findings, and an executive summary. The purpose of this effort was to collect statewide data, in partnership with the Utah Storm Water Advisory Committee, on stormwater managers attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors surrounding various aspects of stormwater management, including document updates, use of low impact development infrastructure, monitoring activities, water quality condition perceptions, changes in landscape and climate patterns, partnerships with irrigation organizations, information uses, program challenges, important dimensions of program activities, and water quality monitoring activities. The survey was sent to stormwater managers in Utah cities and counties (n=72) that are subject to MS4 EPA stormwater regulations. The survey was conducted online using Qualtrics and multiple waves of requests and reminders, with a mail survey option provided.