About Us
iUTAH Cyberinfrastructure is a compendium of various tools and web-based interfaces for sharing data, models, and other digital resources. The iUTAH Cyberinfrastructure Team (CI Team) focused on developing hardware and software systems that improved iUTAH participants’ capacity for data collection, organization, management, sharing, synthesis to higher-level products, and integration with models. After six years, the iUTAH project is complete, but the associated cyberinfrastructure continues to be accessible for iUTAH products, reuse, and further development.
Time Series Data Access and Visualization: The iUTAH CI Team developed a web application for visualizing, summarizing, and exporting time series data. Data from the iUTAH GAMUT network are accessible as well as active USGS sites in overlapping basins.
Site and Watershed Pages: Dynamic content pages continue to provide preview of current conditions in the iUTAH GAMUT watersheds. Check out sites located in the Logan River, Provo River and Red Butte Creek watersheds.
Survey Data Viewer: We developed a web-based tool for visualizing responses to social science surveys, which was implemented for several iUTAH surveys. The viewer allows users to easily explore survey data with a various view options and to differentiate responses between different demographic groups.
Data Publication with HydroShare: iUTAH researchers continue to use HydroShare to publish data and models. HydroShare is an online, collaborative environment for sharing of data and models with support for formal publication of resources. View tutorials on data publication in HydroShare.